The beautiful site of Hatob -Hatob Waterfall, located 45 Minute walk from St Martin, Malangang Lama, 14km from Tamparuli town and 8km from Kiulu town. It was a new retreat center for the Catholics in Tuaran district.

Although is wholly own by the Catholic Ministry of Tuaran but it is open for the public without looking at their religion background. It has a good scenery and your eyes will not satisfy touring and enjoying at this site. It comprise 7 waterfall, a chalet, camping ground and very nice "Denai" which mean a small human made road where by you can hear birds sound and if you are lucky you can see a monkey and other wildlife.
I was been there 17 years ago and I feel really excited when my brother gave me a lot of picture and information about St Benedict Hatob - Hatob Waterfall new looks. Wow... it is so wonderful picture and I'm hoping to visit this waterfall in short time.During that day St Benedict Hatob-Hatob waterfall just comprise a small hut and there is no a nice and warm place to stay. Recently on 31 August 2010, the youth from St John Tuaran have their first activity there and they told me that their really like to stay there and enjoy all day long and it was a perfect place to relex your mind and body. All this information is shared from my brother and his friends. One of the main objective to publish this story is to share it among the public living in Tuaran and waterfall lover around the globe. below is the details for anyone interested to make a trip to St Benedict Hatob-Hatob Waterfall.
Corespondent : St John Tuaran Parish ( Office )
Contact Person: Mr Jackery Joutin- Servant and Development Keeper
H/P n0: 013-5430402
Tel no: 088-788472
Fax no: 088-788149
Entrence Fee:RM5 ( Adult),RM3 ( Children)
Safety: A guide will help you along the way to the waterfall.
Remeber to bring along your Camping equipment, foods and other that you think is good for you. Beware about the mosquito and " Lintah " and take a good step when you are walking and swiming at the waterfall. Be careful and enjoy your day at this beautiful waterfall.
Story and Picture shared by : Mackley "Bod"George and Lawrence"Aki" Peter
Best Regards and Thanks to : St John Tuaran, St Martin Malangang Lama and Belia Paroki St John
* Contact person ( Local language - Dusun )
Nung wa-waro nopo poguhatan toi ko kobolihangkangan dikoyu ngaii nga kada noh kopio kotingayamai kino k'ii ... rumamit diti numbur tolipoun id No.Tel: 0135430402 ( HP ) Jackery Z. Joutin Pelayan dan Penjaga Perkembangan. Toi koh, milo nogi kaka gia o' monulis dot e-mail ii: / . Poingkuro-kuro nga, milo kou nogi monolopoun di Rev. Fr. Nicholas Stephen, Luguan Panambayangan Parokia Katulika St. John Tuaran id numbur No. Tel. Parukia: ? ( Intangai hilo id Kolindor katulik dikoyu; aiso nopo nga... nokuro tu au kou minomoli ? ) Sorou ku, osonong nogi rumuba kama rumuba kopio kou d'ii pado toi mingsimilo mantad da'uh, k'ii... milo nogi moguhot nunu-nunu mantad d'ii Kat. Dominic Camilus id No. Tel:0148515742 (hp ) om walai matu id No.Tel: 088-783040, soira-ira nopo lah, kino...
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