Part 3,
Inside Johor Bahru Malaysia.
Here I published some of the best photo to be shared among your guy out there and especially for the Tamparulian who intend to travel here at Johor Bahru. left picture is a walkaway of pedestrian bridge connecting JB Central and City Square Shopping Complex. JB Sentral is a one stop station to all major city in Peninsular Of Malaysia and Singapore. An advise to all Tamparulian and Sabahan, you can travel using KTM to other major city in Peninsular Of Malaysia. From JB Sentral you can travel to Singapore and enjoy the cleanest city in South East Asia.
City Square Shopping Mall, Johor Bahru.
Inside City Square Shopping Complex at JB |
Remember to do window shopping inside the City Square Shopping Mall. This shopping mall is the best in Johor Bahru beside Danga City Shopping Mall, Jusco, Landmark and UO Store. Usually this shopping mall is full and little crowded with people and most of them is Chinese. You can buy a lot of things at the third floor and the name of the outlets is Inner City Shop. You can buy cheap shoes here, bags, cloths and souvenir to be brought back to your hometown in Sabah.
Inside City Square Shopping Complex, JB |
A Passage Walk at Legaran Seggei to Indian Street beside Hindu Temple.
The Visitor can rest here for a while and watch the fish moving around. Beside this area you can buy a lot of product where you can see array of stall selling everything you wish for. Be very careful of the "pick pocket" around here. Actually you do not have to worry because there is a police post there but precaution is better than cure. An advise to you all be very careful.
Legaran Seggei at Place to relex your eye and feet.
View Of Merlin Tower, Johor Baharu Malaysia.
Left picture is a view from the Indian Street where the Merlin Tower standing glorious from the eye of the traveler who love to take picture as their memorable memory. Beside this Tower you can enjoy the variety of Chinese Restaurant selling variety of foods. This is for non muslin only. The price is reasonable and really tasty and the taste is more likely at Chinese Restaurant in Sabah. Highly recommended restaurant is Snow White Chinese Restaurant. Enjoy....guys
Indian Street.
This Indian Street is just like the Petaling Street in KL and Gaya Street at Kota Kinabalu Sabah. You can find a lot of things and mostly the product is more to Indian goods. Beside this street is the Bazzar that is open daily from 6 Pm to 12 Midnight. The goods sold here can be bargain and try to negotiate wisely and do not to demanded. Please walk in a group of friends so that you cannot be bully by the saler there. From here you can see the Sultan Ismail Building Tower but for this article I did not have enough time to walk around there and hopefully next time I can visit there.
Map Of Johor Bahru City.
Above picture is an array of Indian Stall selling variety types of goods.
A walkaway to Sultan Ismail Building and UO Store Shopping Complex.
UO Store
Inside the UO Store Shopping Complex.
Inside UO Store Shopping Complex.
I'm Very sorry for the picture quality. I forget to bring my digital camera that day and hopefully next time I will published more and quality picture. Please find cheap and safe hotel if you like to stay at Johor Bahru. You will took about 40 minutes to walk around Johor Baharu for visiting all of this shopping mall. Actually this town is really crowded with people and really hot. For your convenience please visit the Bazaar, Landmark, City Square and UW store. If you like to visit Danga City Mall and Jusco, you need to travel by taxi for more convenience and cost you about RM6 only. Do visit JB from January to April only because during this time this city is not crowded with people. See you here at JB and enjoy your visit here. Thanks for reading and see you at my final article about Johor Baharu next time.
Story Arrangement By: Harry George
Picture: Harry George
Sources: Own Experience
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