Source: The Press and Publications Department of the Chief Minister of Sabah
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Greetings and Salam 1 Malaysia

Mr. Speaker and Honourable Members
Alhamdulillah, I extend our gratitude to Allah SWT because the permit and all of His grace, we can gather in this hall to debate the Government's policy speech in quiet, safe and Mahabbah.
2. Before that, I would like to inform the Honourable Members in this House that I have been entrusted by the Honourable Chief Minister to represent him and then delivers this winding of the Chief Minister's Department.
3. I also take this opportunity to congratulate Tun Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Haji Juhar Mahiruddin appointment as His Excellency the President of the State in the Tenth and the appointment of Datuk Seri Panglima Salleh Tun Said the Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly.
4. I would like to express our appreciation and gratitude to His Excellency the President of the presentation of the State Government's Policy Speech during the Official Opening of the Fourth Conference of the State Legislative Assembly of the 13th on April 21, 2011.
Mr. Speaker,
5. Government concerned about the questions raised by Honourable Members, especially on issues relating directly to the Chief Minister's Department. With that, let me answer some of the issues raised by Honourable Members during the debate.
6. Much effort has been taken to improve public sector delivery system, and this effort will be undertaken to ensure that it is always efficient and effective in accordance with the changes that occur from time to time.
7. Honourable Members of the Elopura and the Honourable Member of the Sri Tanjong claim that the discipline of public administration in various departments are not satisfied until the inconvenience. I would like to inform you that the Government has established the Task Force on Civil Service Integrity Control in 2010. The team is carrying out the monitoring through the "Mystery Shopping" in all state agencies. Among the main responsibilities of the Monitoring Team were:
i) Make spot checks "Mystery Shopping" in all government agencies. Inspection of the property include government administration, such as use of the car and the presence of officers / staff in the offices and counters. Through this monitoring, these agencies were asked to give an explanation if there are issues of misuse of government property and the absence of staff at strategic points such as service counters.
ii) To report the results of monitoring and actions taken at meetings of the Governance of State Integrity Committee, which meets once in four months. The Committee is chaired by the Chief Minister;
iii) To recommend the proposed improvements for the ongoing strengthening of the integrity of the agency and
iv) Monitor the effectiveness of the programs integrity and public service delivery system.
8. During 2010, spot checks were made to 86 agencies across the country and monitoring will continue as one of the focus Strengthening Integrity in Public Service 2011. Monitoring will also involve state agencies in the area of ??Tawau.
9. For the Tawau area, monitoring was conducted in 2010 at the Tawau Municipal Council and the Department of Water Office, in which the two agencies are directly involved in providing customer service counter.
10. To address cases of discipline violation, action will be taken in accordance with the Regulations of the Public Officers for 2008.
11. To inform the Honourable Members of Sulabayan, Kunak and Sugut, the State Government is to review and examine areas of the villages that fall within the Forest Reserve. At this point, the villages have been established in the Forest Reserve will be allowed to continue to exist (status quo), provided there is no expansion of the activities undertaken in the area.
12. For the original villages included in the Forest Management Unit (FMU), progress will be made to the establishment of "Community compartment", in which the development of the "compartment" that will take into account the involvement of the community.
13. For the original residents in the Forest Reserve is like a voluntary move to resettlement areas outside the Forest Reserve, the Government will assist in the creation of public housing and basic amenities are important, like in Salarom Taka, Sapulut and Nabawan .
14. In this case, among the matters to be examined by the Forest Department was to determine if the area was occupied before or after the area designated as forest reserves and whether they were the original inhabitants (indigenous) in the area concerned. In addition, many indigenous people face the problem of aggression committed by people from outside the area (encroachers from other districts who take away Possession of lands Occupied by the indigenous community of a particular area).
15. Concerns about the residents of. Bundutuhan delivered by the Honourable Member from Kundasang, are pleased to inform this Honourable House that a part only of the village is included in the Forest Tinompok, while the other half are government-owned land. Therefore, this matter will be reviewed.
16. With regard to the recommendations of the Honorable Members of the Inanam have suggested that the Kg. Poring Poring-gazetted as Permanent Forest Reserve (Water Catchment), the Government welcomed the proposal and follow up on this matter will be conducted.
17. Honourable Members of the allegations Sri Tanjung that illegal logging occurs in the conservation area Maliau Basin and Danum Valley are totally unfounded. Logging activities in the surrounding area has been discontinued. Both areas are managed, governed by the Sabah Foundation and developed as a Learning Centre, Scientific Research and the international Ecotourism.
Mr. Speaker,
18. To inform the Honourable Members of Elopura and Sekong, the State Government in collaboration with Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB), Petronas and state government agencies involved in the process of identifying suitable sites for power projects gas on the east coast of Sabah. The proposed gas power project is expected to be fully operational by the year 2016 will be presented to the National Economic Consultative Council [National Economic Council], chaired by the Prime Minister for approval.
19. Touching on the issue of aid for flood victims raised by the Honourable Member of the Lumadan, to alleviate the flood victims, the State Government and Federal Government and relevant agencies will help relieve the burden of flood victims, especially during and after the flood? . Agencies that provide assistance at the state level is the Department of Welfare Services (JPKA), while at the Federal level is the National Security Council (NSC).
20. Any losses suffered by the population due to damage to agriculture, livestock and homes, it should be evaluated by the relevant agencies such as Department of Agriculture, Department of Veterinary Services and Livestock and approved by the Chairman JPBBD for assistance.
Mr. Speaker,
21. I am pleased to clarify the issue of land owned Sabah Land Development Board (SLDB) covering 909.33 hectares in area Pinawantai raised by the Honourable Member of the Matunggong as follows:
i) The lands in dispute in this Pinawantai is oil palm plantations that have been developed commercially by the Sabah Land Development Board (SLDB) since 1984. Government policy at that time, require the FELDA scheme to take over responsibility for placement, while LKTNS were instructed to carry out commercial operations and no longer control the recruitment of settlers.
ii) On 26.11.1996, the State Government has decided to mengkorporatkan LKTNS in which all of the assets transferred to the commercial LKTNS Borneo Samudera Sdn Bhd (BSSB), a company owned by the State Government. Given that the farm is part of Pinawantai LKTNS commercial property, the estate was handed over to Borneo Samudera Sdn Bhd (BSSB).
iii) After the farms in the area was transferred to Pinawantai Borneo Samudera Sdn Bhd (BSSB), the BSSB continue working on the commercial farms. In 2008, BSSB been replanting the fields Pinawantai and incur substantial expenses in operating the farm.
iv) At present, oil palm plantations in this Pinawantai BSSB bring revenue to the Government of the State.
22. Meanwhile, in 1986, the State Government has taken into account the interests of villagers in the area, where an area of ??112.43 hectares have been issued on 25.11.1986 by the State Government to become "Village Reserve". Details of the areas that have been issued are as follows:
Radtak A 50.01 kg ha
Radtak B 16.66 kg ha
Pinawantai 13:35 kg ha
Pomosukan 32.41 kg ha
Total 112.43 ha
23. The record also shows that the villagers living in the area has been compensated Pinawantai before the LKTNS directed by the State Government to develop the area in 1974.
24. In addition, the record does not indicate the existence of any agreement between the LKTNS and BSSB and residents to develop the land and returning it to the villagers by taking them as settlers in the area Pinawantai. Thus, the State Government does not intend to give the land to the villagers, other than what was released in 1986.
25. In respect of the Project Mosque Kg. Ulu Sipitang as raised by the Honourable Member of the Sindumin, the project is approved on July 28, 2004 under special provisions of the Prime Minister and then distributed through the Federal Development Department.
26. However, the contractor appointed through a tender process on 24 October 2005 has failed to complete the project and has terminated the contract on February 7, 2006. Bids have been re-issued through a tender process on 15 July 2006. On July 15, 2008, the project stopped again due to lack of funding. On December 22, 2009, an additional allocation of RM300, 000.00 was approved. The project was successfully completed on 8 November 2010.
27. However, there is some additional work to be done especially on the ceiling of the mosque. Office of the State of Sabah Federal Development (PPPN), as the implementing agency has been seeking an additional allocation to the Implementation Coordination Unit, Prime Minister (ICU JPM) for the scope and approval is expected to be available in the near future.
28. With regard to improving the quality of Qari and Qariah in this country, such as those raised by the Honourable Member from Tanjung Batu, the state already has entered Al-Quran recitation ceremony at District Level, Department and the State since the 60s until now. Apart from tuition classes al-Quran, the Islamic Religious Affairs Department of State has also entered into an intensive course Tahsin Al-Quran for 3 to 4 weeks per year, by inviting some former champion Qari / Qariah internationally as a counselor. As a result of an intensive course Tahsin QL-Quran, Qari of the state has received third place nationally in 2008 and 2009. Government through the Department of Islamic Affairs is currently reviewing the State to provide compensation scheme to the Qari and Qariah state that clinched the National Champion.
29. Related to activities that do not co-ordinated propaganda that had been raised by the Honourable Member of the Sekong and Membakut, the Government is aware of this. Therefore, a committee known as the Religious Affairs Committee of the State has established and is chaired by the Honourable, Minister in the Chief Minister's Department and he has held the first meeting. Committee consisting of all state and federal agencies and religious NGOs in Sabah's Muslim is the role to coordinate and monitor all matters relating to Islamic affairs in the State.
30. Area of ??approximately 761 acres in Batu 38, Jalan Tawau-Semporna raised by Honourable Members of the N. 52 Sulabayan is an Urban Land Reserve (Reserve Township) is gazetted under section 28 (1), 68 Ordinance by GN No. 680/1977.
31. In an effort to maintain and control the area, a court order was issued to the intrusion of 5 people on 25 October 1991 for established homes and to develop the area without permission. The accused was sentenced at the Tawau Subordinate Court on 09 October 1993.
32. However, the area has been re-occupied since there is no development undertaken in the area. The State Government was aware of this problem and will ask the Department of Lands and Survey in order not to process any applications for land involved in the area, and take enforcement action on illegal occupation of land.
33. On the issue of delay / delay in processing applications for land that was raised by Honourable Members of the Matunggong, Kiulu, Kundasang and Sri Tanjong, to accelerate the application of land in the district, all district land offices were instructed to screen and cancel the all applications for land affected by the Forest Reserve, Sabah Parks, Land and Land-Government Provident alienated land.
34. To facilitate the process of land application N.T. especially for food crops that do not exceed 15 acres for an individual application and covering 50 acres in groups, they do not need to be referred to the Agriculture Department to review the suitability of the land. In addition, the Department of Lands and Survey has identified certain areas throughout the state according to its "Fast Track Planned Alienation" to the production of grants Communal Native.
35. To speed up the process of surveying the land application was approved and subsequently to the production of grants of land, the Land and Survey Department has been implementing the measurement using ICT technology "Field To Finish" (F2F) in which the land application of measurement was reduced from 5 years to 6 months. This measurement method has been implemented throughout the state since 2009.
Mr. Speaker,
36. It is hoped that with the implementation of the Circular 1 / 2011, and the method of land application process through the "Fast Track Planned Land Alienation" issuing grants for Communal, coupled with the efforts of the Land Office to carry out the screening of applications for land which is outstanding, and assisted with the measurement method Field to Finish, arrears of land application of all the Land Office to be completed within a faster rate.
37. Touching on the issues raised by the Honourable Member of the Tandek State Government through the Department of Lands and Surveys will identify areas of state land in the district of Kota Marudu and Pitas appropriate in addition to the land of 17,000 acres have been identified in the area for the production of grants Begaraya Native communal areas where the existing inadequate compared with the claims of native rights (NCR).
38. With regard to the draft grants in Kg. Nato, land applications have been approved by the Secretary of Natural Resources and it is not in the process through the Regional Land Penggunan. This is because the Land Use Committee meeting is only implemented in 1977. Based on these facts, the State can not revoke grants of the draft.
39. Touching on the measurement of land in Kg. Tandahuwon, it is a land surveying program in accordance with customary rights by the Task Force Unit. This means that prospective owners of these grants are those who have claims native rights.
40. In addition, a draft of 22 grants involving an area of ??1.760 acres of land for 88 applicants in Kg Ulu Saniton were presented in the Regional Land Use Committee meeting on 5 November 1979 and offer letters were issued on February 14, 2006. Based on these facts, all land applications have been processed and approved by the Sabah Land Ordinance. Therefore, the draft grants can not be revoked by the Sabah Land Ordinance.
Mr. Speaker,
41. I appeal to Honourable Members that we continue to unite and set aside the importance of ethnicity that a desire to build a nation state in general and in particular, became more prosperous, more advanced, more progressive and more dynamic will become a reality.
42. Finally, in order to realize the goals and intentions are pure state government, I would like to invite Honourable Members, elected representatives, all leaders and members of the public service and citizens to jointly shoulder the responsibility with more commitment and dedication. I am confident that with such properties is the only state program of development and the aspirations of the people of Sabah can be reached.
Happy Harvest Festival 2011
Thank you.
Article Edited By: Harry George
Picture: Easycomeseasyoes.blogspot.com