Call to review teacher intake
He said Sabah loses about 700 senior teachers from the teaching circuit every year when they are re-posted to the peninsula.
The standard practice is that peninsula teachers after serving three years in the State would request to be transferred back to their hometown.
"In their place are junior teachers fresh from the training institute and this is one of the barriers to Sabah's education progress," he said, when representing Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman at the Institute of Teachers' Education Sabah Campus Zone Convocation 2011 in Wisma Muis, Tuesday.
Because of this Sabah would not be able to challenge its counterparts such as Terengganu where education progress is concerned. He suggested that the Education Ministry approve applications from particular areas.
"As long as the candidate qualifies, just accept him because we know that he will never leave Sabah. If the applicant is from Nabawan and applies to be posted in Nabawan, just accept it. With this, we are ensured that the senior teachers will remain in Sabah," he said.
He reiterated that Sabah is not against teachers from Peninsular Malaysia serving in the State.
Throughout his formative years, Masidi said he came to know many dedicated peninsula teachers who continued to serve in Sabah despite the opportunity to be transferred back to their home state.
To ensure that education in Sabah progresses, the authority concerned must take the necessary action.
Failure to do so would ensure Sabah's education level remains as it is. He said education in the State would forever be lagging behind its counterparts in the peninsula if this matter were not addressed.
A total of 296 teachers received their diplomas in various fields namely Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), mathematics, J-Qaf school-based teachers training, physical education and health, Islamic studies, counselling guidance, visual art, Chinese education and pre-school.
Story Arrangement By: Harry George
Sources: Daily Express
Picture: Google Image
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