Since my adsense was disable by Google, I have spent a lot of time searching through the web and finally found something new that exactly same with adsense. It really easy to do and operate it. But do not click it as for fun because the company that owned this product might disable your affliate program with you. This was one time chance only same goes with Google Adsense. The company is operating in KL and the transfer of payment for doing business with them was really easy. Here I have copy paste it from the website and if you want to join it please click the ads or click the picture at your left hand view. For more details continue reading below..... Thanks
Our Mission
HeartBeat.my is dedicated to encouraging people to express their own artistic impulses in our web site. Because we pay a lot of attention to making sure that all our gifts are personalised and unique.
HeartBeat.my produces those unique gifts that you could not find in Malaysia gifts & souvenirs shop. We help you to be a unique & cool individual.
Our Products & Services
We provide personalized & unique gifts such as T-shirts, mugs, puzzles and so on that printed with your photos and special wording on it.
There are no minimums quantity. It is suitable for all gift-giving occasions such as birthday, wedding, graduation, anniversary ...
We also provide bulk T-shirts printing, trophies, banners, promotional items, corporate gifts etc.
Our History
HeartBeat.my was founded in 2006 in Malaysia. Currently we are expanding our business to North and South Malaysia. Since that time, HeartBeat.my has provided many memorable gifts to our customers.
Weekly Newsletter
Join us now! Sign up for the HeartBeat.my and receive our free email full of special offers & discounts, new gift ideas and products information and much more!
This affiliate program was really good..... I paste my first time registration here and you can see that there is no income yet but after one week I manage to get RM50 directly transferred to my Maybank Account. Huh... we need to wait one or two months before adsense can released their payment to you. Usually they are using western union and need to wait another 1 week to cash it out..... for more details click the ads below. From there you can register as a member first then you can join the affiliate program after you register with them. No fees, free and you get discount when you buy their product.
Article Arrangement By: Harry George
Sources: Heartbeat.my
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