Education is important for the people, in order to support the nation we must have good style of Education spread throughout the country of Malaysia. Thanks to all Teachers, Parents, Government and the society of Malaysia. For SMK Tamparuli, Congratulation for the 6% increase in PMR result. Congrats to the Principal and all the student... Happy Festival season, Merry Christmas 2011 and Happy New Year 2012. All the best. Harry George.
PUTRAJAYA: A total of 34.271 out of 441.137 students who sit for the Lower Secondary Assessment (PMR) in 2011 obtained a grade A in all subjects, compared to 30.863 in 2010.
The Director General of Education Datuk Seri Abdul Ghafar Mahmud said this was an increase of 0.75 percent.
"On the whole, the achievement of PMR candidates in 2011 in 17 subjects are the best in four years on the National Average Grade (GPN), which is 2.71 points," he said at a press conference to announce the results PMR 2011, here today.
He said the ministry was grateful to the teachers and students and all parties concerned for their efforts this year to help improve the GPN.
Abd Ghafar said the number of candidates who obtained a grade E in all subjects decreased from 386 persons in 2010 to 346 this year.
Candidates who obtain a minimum grade of D increased by 61.88 percent to 272.966 against 265.388 last year, he said.
For the achievement of rural candidates, who obtained a grade A in all subjects increased to 6.474 persons compared to 5.825 last year, while in the city candidates who receive all A jumped 0.86 percent to 26.189 compared to 24.084 last year.
Candidates who receive all grades of E is continuing to decline in both urban and rural areas, which the city is only 216 people compared to 249 last year, while in rural areas decreased to 121 compared to 132 people in 2010.
"The city candidates GPN decreased by 0.04 points compared to rural candidates of 0.03 points. But on the whole, the achievement of the candidate city is better than rural candidates, "he said. -BERNAMA
Dunia Pendidikan Khas Blogspot.
Sabah catat peningkatan 3.92% kelulusan PMR
RANAU 22 Dis. - Peratusan calon Sabah lulus Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) tahun ini meningkat kepada 63.06 peratus berbanding 59.14 peratus pada tahun lalu. Pengarah Pelajaran Negeri, Datuk Dr. Muhiddin Yussin berkata, tahun ini peratusan kelulusan meningkat sebanyak 3.92 peratus melibatkan 23,782 calon berbanding 21,928 calon pada 2010. ''Jumlah calon mendapat gred A dalam semua mata pelajaran juga meningkat 2.72 peratus atau 1,025 orang berbanding 2.39 peratus tahun lalu atau 870 orang. ''Sementara itu, calon yang mendapat gred E dalam semua mata pelajaran menurun kepada 0.06 peratus atau 26 orang berbanding 0.09 peratus tahun lalu atau 32 orang," katanya ketika mengumumkan keputusan PMR di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Datuk Panglima Mat Salleh, di sini hari ini.
Muhiddin berkata, Gred Purata Negeri (GPN) tahun ini menunjukkan peningkatan iaitu 3.03 berbanding 3.06 tahun lalu. Beliau menambah, seramai 37,714 calon yang menduduki peperiksaan itu tahun ini mencapai kelulusan 100 peratus. Katanya, Sekolah Menengah (SM) Sains Lahad Datu mencapai kelulusan 100 peratus dengan GPN 1.05, diikuti SM Sains Sabah dengan memperolehi GPN 1.13. Sekolah Menengah Agama (SMA) Kota Kinabalu mencatat kelulusan 98.44 peratus dan memperoleh GPN 1.44 untuk menduduki tempat ketiga sekolah terbaik dalam PMR tahun ini.
Sumber: Utusan Online
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