Since two years ago the public have been complaining for the shortage of English Teacher in Sabah for secondary and primary school. Now after doing some research, I can assure that the number of English Teacher in Sabah whose having the right English Option was really deficient. To cover this shortage, I have found out that the JPNS ( Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Sabah ) used other Teacher as a replacement whose having different Option than English. For those who do not understand what the meaning of Option in the Education Term later I will explain it. Why should our KPM do not look at this issue for the sake of deficient English Teacher in Sabah? We need new graduates to teach our young generation. Although the JPNS got the replacement for the shortage of English teacher but the end result? Try to think yourself? I do not want to blame this "Teacher Dip" but their Option and specialization was not-useful when they are teaching the so-called English Language for the pupils. The basic skill of a teacher is same among them but when entering the proficient, knowledge skill and methods used, it was totally different. Can you imagine, a teacher whose Option is Physical Education teaching English Language. This will effect the Language skill receive by the pupils and at the same the effectiveness of delivering the teaching and learning from the teacher. Sorry to say, the assignation of new teacher was conducted by the shadow of political decision. Although teacher can do everything what was being assigned to him/her but the end result " Jauh Panggang Dari Api" which mean the target was not achieved.
Just an opinion form me, one of the big mistake for PPSMI was from the teacher itself. The teacher who is teaching this subject ( Science and Mathematics ) using English Language was lack with knowledge and skill for delivering the teaching and learning activity. A teacher is a professional career which tends to become really effective when he/she got their very own field of knowledge when studying at their University. Teacher need to proficient the English Language skills first before teaching the Science and Mathematics subject. The KPM conscious about this issue and they still struggling to find way to solve this problem. Teacher and pupils need to cooperate between each other to conduct a meaningful teaching and learning activity.
Ok.. let us go back with the main issue where Sabah really need more English Teacher with right Option. Some of the PPD ( District Education Office ) officer told me that, they already request for English teacher with the right Option but what they have been receiving was not what they have been expected. This problem or issue need to be adjusted from the very roots. The person in charge need to look at the requirement of the English teacher not the a requirement from a specific person. Politic must not interfere with the decision made by the Ministry of Education and let all the decision made by this professional. The decision maker must look at the requirement of this so-called English teacher in every single aspect! There is no such thing of "Pilih Kasih" which mean biases. No racism in doing the decision and treat all the teacher in fair and equitable. Let us work together to full fill the shortage of English Teacher in Sabah!!!! Help our young generation and develop our very own state of Sabah. " Sabah Tanah Airku Negeri Yang Tercinta"
Option: Subject Major teach by the Teacher. Etc: Teacher A, Option: English/Science/Moral The teacher specialize in teaching English, Science and Moral.
Written By: Harry George
Sources: Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia and Pejabat Pendidikan Ranau Sabah
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