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Tamparuli Sabah - A place to visit

Tamparuli Sabah was known as an old town rich with cultural value and fascinating places. The town located in the middle of Tuaran District, 36KM from the main city of Kota Kinabalu, easy to be found and a lot of surprises waiting for the visitors. The visitor will be fascinated with The Extreme Para Gliding Sport, The legendary of “Bukit Perahu”, Hatob-hatob Waterfall, Hanging Bridge and The Old Suspension Bridge Made by the British in the early 50s, The one and only "The Upside House Of Borneo" and Chantek Borneo Gallery if you visit Tamparuli Sabah. ( Please read more inside this website). For local tourist who likes to travel outside Malaysia, you can e-mail to D7tours and Travel Co through For International tourist who wish to visit Sabah The Land Below The Wind, you can e-mail or call to our correspondent travel agency:

D7-TRAVEL AND TOURS-Registered Travel and Tours Co
H/p: 016-8121702


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Harry George


Crazy Man

Ni barulah orang gila. Dia bergaya seperti The Joker, musuh Batman dan menembak 70 orang di Aurora, USA ketika aksi tembak menembak dalam filem Batman, The Dark Knight Rises.... akibatnya 12 penonton wayang yg tak berdosa, maut manakala 58 cedera.... orang spt ni tak payah kita buang masa, duit dan tenaga utk bicarakan di mahkamah.. Tembak jee dan kuburkan...


Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof

Wajah pengerusi Suruhanjaya pilihanraya Malaysia, SPR pada masa ini iaitu Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof lebih dipercayai rakyat Malaysia berbanding 2 pengerusi SPR terdahulu iaitu Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abd Rahman dan Datuk Harun Din. Wajah telus pengerusi SPR melambangkan pilihanraya yang telus dan adil di Malaysia menjelang Pilihanraya UMUM ke 13 yang bakal diadakan bila bila masa dari sekarang selepas Aidil Fitri pada Ogos 2012 sehingga April 2013 apabila penggal 5 tahun kerajaan sekarang berakhir secara automatik.

Banyak pembaharuan dilakukan kerajaan ketika proses pengundian termasuk pengunaan dakwat kekal bagi mengelak orang mengundi lebih dari sekali, mengundi awal dan undi pos.

Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman pernah menjadi pengerusi SPR ketika Pilihanraya umum ke 12 pada Mac 2008. 

Bekas pengerusi SPR Datuk Harun Din pernah mengetuai SPR ketika pilihanraya umum 1995 dan antara isu hangat dibangkitkan isu pengundi hantu di Sabah dan sebagainya. Antara reaksi beliau mengenai isu pengundi hantu atau Phanrom Voters yang masih saya ingati sampai sekarang ialah "Phantom Voters remain Phantom"!!! yang bermakna pengundi hantu kekal sebagai Hantu!!!

All the best Datuk Dr Lajim

Satu lagi perkembangan menarik politik Sabah dan Malaysia diambang pilihanraya umum ke 13.

Selepas sekian lama berteka teki, Ahli Parlimen Beaufort Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin akhirnya mengumumkan perletakan jawatan sebagai ahli majlis tertinggi UMNO, ketua umno bahagian Beaufort dan pengerusi barisan nasional, BN Beaufort, berkuat kuasa serta merta.

Lajim bagaimanapun masih kekal sebagai ahli umno, dan menyerahkan kedudukannya sebagai timbalan menteri persekutuan kepada pucuk pimpinan. Lajim juga belum memutuskan parti mana akan disertainya tapi akan bekerjasama dengan pakatan pembangkang untuk kepentingan rakyat.

Beliau berkata demikian dalam sidang media di kediamannya di Likas Jaya, Kota Kinabalu, pada petang sabtu, 28 Julai 2012 sejurus sebelum majlis berbuka puasa bersama penyokongnya. Lajim adalah pemimpin kanan dalam politik Sabah, menceburi politik seawall 1970an dengan menyertai USNO, Berjaya dan Parti Bersatu Sabah sebelum menyertai UMNO pada 1994.

Lajim selaku ADUN KLIAS, pernah melompat parti dari PBS ke UMNO sejurus selepas pilihanraya sabah 1994 yang menyebabkan kerajaan PBS dibawah pimpinan Tan Sri Joseph pairin kitingan, tumbang lalu diambil alih BN. Ketika itu, PBS menang apabila meraih 25 kerusi berbanidng 23 dimenangi BN, namun tindakan Lajim dan seorang lagi ADUN PBS, Datuk Rubing Balang melompat ke dalam UMNO, menyebabkan PBS hilang kuasa di Sabah. Lajim pernah dilantik Timbalan ketua menteri Sabah sebelum memegang jawatan terkininya selaku Timbalan Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan tempatan Malaysia. Pada Pilihan Raya Umum Mac 2008 Lajim menang kerusi parlimen Beaufort, mengalahkan calon dari PKR, Lajim Md. Yusof dengan majoriti sebanyak 10,914 undi. Lajim memperolehi 14,780 undi berbanding lawannya 3,866 undi.

Lajim tersenarai sebagai Ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO 2009-2011 dalam Perhimpunan Agung UMNO 2009 pada 28 Mac 2009. Wakil dari Sabah seperti Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal terpilih menjadi Naib presiden,manakala Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin dan Datuk Seri Musa Aman menang kerusi Majlis Tertinggi bersama sama Lajim.

Seorang lahi, ahli parlimen papar, datuk Rosnah Rashid Shirlin terpilih selaku ketua Puteri UMNO. Sementara itu dalam pengumumannya, Lajim ketika ditanya media mengenai jawatan timbalan menteri perumahan dan kerajaan tempatan yang disandangnya, Lajim berkata ia terpulang kepada Perdana Menteri untuk menentukan kedudukannya dalam kabinet. Ini kerana PM yang melantiknya ke dalam jemaah menteri.

Katanya beliau belum membuat keputsan untuk menyertai mana mana parti politik, namun akan bekerjasama dengan pakatan pembangkang, demi kepentingan rakyat sabah. Beliau juga belum memutuskan soal samada akan bertanding dalam pilihanraya umum kelak di kawasan Beaufort. Sebelum membuat pengumuman itu, Lajim menerangkan secara panjang lebar mengenai keputusan yang dibuatnya hari ini.

Ia termasuk akan memperjuangkan pembayaran royalti minyak 20 peratus kepada sabah berbanding 5 peratus ketika ini. Serta menilai semula polisi kabotaj oleh kerajaan Pusat yang didakwa menyebabkan kenaikan harga barangan di Sabah. Jika pembangkang menubuhkan kerajaan di Sabah, dua kementerian baru akan diwujudkan dalam kabinet sabah iaitu kementerian sumber asli dan alam sekitar dan kementerian pendidikan, pengangkutan dan kesihatan Sabah. Prasarana pendidikan di Sabah juga dakwanya masih menerima layanan kelas kedua begitu juga prestasi pendidikan Sabah yang mundur berbanding di Semenanjung Malaysia. Dakwanya ada guru di Sabah masih tinggal di rumah seperti kandang ayam dan ada makmal sekolah yang tidak boleh digunakan.

Lajim turut akan memperjuangkan isu pengambilan guru tempatan dari Sabah dan memastikan 30 peratus peruntukan biasiswa kerajaan persekutuan diberikan kepada pelajar Sabah dan Sarawak. Sebuah lagi universiti di Sabah akan dibina iaitu universiti kinabalu malaysia atau UKIM, yang bakal dimiliki sepenuhnya kerajaan negeri. Tabung warisan sabah dengan modal awal 1 billion ringgit juga akan diwujudkan hasil royalti minyak dan gas bagi tujuan pembasmian kemiskinan.

Yayasan pribumi sabah juga dicadang diwujudkan bagi merangsang sosio ekonomi masyarakat pribumi sabah dengan dana 1 billion ringgit. Suruhanjaya tribunal tanah dan hak tanah adat turut ditubuhkan kelak. Dasar baru tanah Sabah bagi mewujudkan undang undang dan sistem pentadbiran tanah dan hak tanah adar, NCR juga ditangani dengan lebih efektif.

Pengeluaran tanah komunal atau berkelompok akan dihentikan dan penyelesaian lebih efektif dilakiukan bagi penyelesaian isu tanah termasuk tanah NCR. Peranan dan status semua agensi persekutuan yang beroperasi di sabah seperti Felda, Felcra, Risda dan Lembaga Getah Malaysia, turut dikaji semula. Sistem penerbangan Borneo Airways bagi memenuhi keperluan penerbangan di brunei, indonesia dan malaysia timur atau BIMP EAGA akan turut diwujudkan.

Lajim juga akan memperjuangkan dana lebih besar untuk badan kegamaan, serta bagi perayaan utama seperti pesta menuai, hari raya aidil fitri, krismas dan tahun baru Cina. Dari segi pentadbiran, jika pembangkang mengambil alih tampuk kerajaan, perkongsian kuasa dalam struktur pentadbiran kerajaan akan dibuat mengikut konsep saksama melibatkan kesemua kaum iaitu bumiputera islam, bumiputera bukan islam dan cina.

Karenah birokrasi dalam pentadbiran awam sabah juga akan dikurangkan. Katanya, lanskap politik negara dan negeri hari ini semakin kalut dan bergayut dengan sentimen politik sempit.  Rakyat dihidangkan dengan "menu" yang mengagungkan dan menjulang pemimpin dan pasa sama turut menyogok rakyat dengan pelbagai propaganda jahat yang membelakangi prinsip demokrasi bagi menimbulkan kebencian kepada parti lawan.

Dakwanya realitinya, pemerintahan pakatan rakyat di selangor, kedah, kelantan dan pulau pinang, ternyata jauh lebih baik berbanding pentadbiran negeri sabah sekarang.

Those who want Hudud should visit Pakistan and Iran first By: Marina Mahathir

THERE is a video circulating online which everyone in this country should watch. It depicts the execution of an Afghan woman for alleged adultery. Her husband shoots her many times in the head while being cheered on by a crowd of men. If anyone thinks this happened many years ago during the Taliban-era, they are sadly mistaken. This gruesome event happened recently, in present-day non-Taliban-ruled Afghanistan.

The authorities are now looking for the executioner who has predictably disappeared. But really they should arrest the entire crowd that watched it, as accessories to murder. I think this video should be shown to the growing number of politicians in this country who think hudud is a good idea for Malaysia. In particular, it should be shown to those who have just called for the same.

If they can watch the video without at least blanching and truly think that's what they want, then I hope they will be held accountable for not only the exodus of Malaysians from this country but also for the drastic reduction in foreign investments coming in. If they want to blow us back to the Stone Age, then they should at least be made to answer for it.

What is it with some of our politicians who seem to have taken leave of their senses? Is the loathing for reading and knowledge so widespread that they have to show it off with such ill-informed statements? In a world where problems are increasingly sophisticated and complicated, is hudud the only response these people can come up with? Maybe they should get out a bit more. They might like to travel to places like Pakistan where the literacy rate is all of 55pc and where, in some areas, only 22pc of women can read.

Or, go to Iran where a full 40pc of the population lives below the poverty line. They might also like to notice the vast numbers of children forced to do backbreaking work in the Middle East.

Or they can stay home and instead of reading the tabloids and beefing up their knowledge on which actress is about to marry which rich man, they might like to read up on our very own Federal Constitution which basically says that not only can't you have hudud laws, you also can't impose it on anyone who isn't Muslim.

Unless they have some subconscious need to lose the elections for their beloved party, then they might pause and see where this is going. But introspection is not a Malaysian strong point. Somebody floats an "idea" that they think will attract some press attention and next thing you know, everyone else is jumping on the bandwagon.

Never mind that none of the so-called hudud punishments can be found in the Quran. For years, our Government has steadily pooh-poohed the idea of having hudud in this country because that was what the Opposition (or at least some of them) wanted. For years those of us who knew that hudud did not belong in the 21st century have held on to that as our bulwark against theocratic rule in this country.

Now, however, the government supporters have changed their tune and are echoing the Opposition's line all those years ago. They seriously think this is the way to win an election? If hudud is to be implemented, then I hope someone realises that it has to be implemented fairly.

Therefore not only will petty thieves get their hands cut off but major-league million-ringgit bribe-takers too. And no doubt we will have morality police patrolling the streets and checking that everyone is being good.

Sources and adapted from Daily Express Online 22nd July 2012

Article in P'sula-based paper offensive to Christians

By: Uhun Bunsihou 

I DO not normally read West Malaysian-based newspapers as they seldom focus on issues in Sabah unlike Daily Express. However, recently, I chanced upon a copy of Harian Metro's Sabah edition.

I was shocked to see an article in the newspaper which I believe is inappropriate for the general public, especially in a multi-religious country like Malaysia. The June 29th edition of Harian Metro's Sabah edition had an article entitled "Agenda Yahudi Pesong Akidah" (Jewish Agenda to Divert Faith) on page 10. The article was penned by one Fathul Bari Mat Jahya. The article was shallow as the premise of the argument was rather weak. But what struck me was the scathing accusation by the writer against the Christian belief in the Bible.

I believe such an accusation is against the Home Ministry's guidelines on what is permitted to publish. The writer showed little concern for the feelings of Christian readers, and with many Christians in the State, it shows the little regard the Daily has for religious sensitivity in Sabah.

People in Sabah have lived in harmony for generations. It is very sad to note that in the past 18 years many unhealthy trends which affect inter-faith harmony is being brought into the state. One example is the kind of article in a newspaper meant for the public like I have mentioned.

Accusations against a person's faith should not be allowed to appear in publications meant for the public. Dailies from West Malaysia should emulate Sabahan newspapers which seldom carry sensitive articles. In fact, even some letters I sent to the Daily Express never gets published as sometimes the Editor might think that they are sensitive, though mild compared to what is being written in some West Malaysian newspapers.

It is hoped the Home Ministry will take action against the newspaper mentioned and the writer of the article. We should teach these people to respect other people's faith and what living in a multi-religious society is all about. They are a threat to our Prime Minister's slogan of 1Malaysia.

Sources: Daily Express


Sabah football team win gold for Sukma 2012

Sabah were crowned the king of football at the 15th Sukma Games after their demolition of favourite Perak 3-0 in the final held at the Darul Makmur Stadium on Saturday night.

It was a historic feat for the team as they turned on the power in the extra time with three great goals that settled the absorbing tie.

The match went into extra time after 90 minutes of play when both teams failed to find the net. And it was barely a minute after the start of the extra time when second half substitute Zulmansyah broke the deadlock with a first timer courtesy of a perfect weighted lop from Leopold Alfonso.

He then returned the favour six minutes later when his clever dummy freed Leopold before the latter dribbled past a defender and beat the keeper with an angled shot for the second goal. The goal clearly broke Perak players spirit and Rozaimie who played in a deeper position in the second half had a simple task of placing in the third goal after a good work done by Zulmansyah who passed the ball to him from the centre.

It was a fantastic win for Sabah after their disappointment in the President Cup where they failed to get past the quarter-final stage. To beat the President Cup Champion as well as the winner in the national Under-19 champion is a clear indication that they are among the best in the country.

Their superior physical fitness over their opponent was evident in the match and credit must be given to the two coaches Johnny Dominicus and Matasan Ahmad who dedicated so much effort to train the players. Not forgetting also the tireless motivation given by team manager Alijus Sipil that paid handsome dividends to the success of the team. The success of the state juniors also augur well for the future of Sabah football as all the players showed that they were equally good, if not better than some of the current senior players and the Sabah FA must act fast before other states scoop some of the players under their nose.

Daily Express.


Tamparuli -KK Bus Station (Current) in 1967

The nostalgic picture of Tamparuli town in 1967 after four years joint independent with Malaya, Singapore and Sarawak. The site now was the location of Tamparuli Library State Building while behind the building was the bus station. Did you know that Sabah got it independent before the construction of Malaysia in 16 Sept 1963 from the British Government. To find out more... please do your own research.... 

Picture By: North Borneo History website.

Sabah FA Vs QPR

Support our team, All the best for Sabah FA, Go Sabah Go.....

Skuad bolasepak Queens Park Rangers tiba di Kota Kinabalu jam 1 petang tadi dari London menerusi Hong Kong untuk perlawanan menentang Sabah di stadium Likas pada Selasa 18 Julai ini. Antara pemain yang bakal beraksi di Likas kelak, Park Ji Sung, Fabio yang kedua duanya dibeli dari Man Utd, Robert Green - penjaga gol England yang pernah beraksi di Piala Dunia 2010 dan Andy Johnson dari Fulham... Sabah pula bakal diperkuatkan beberapa pemain jemputan termasuk Robbie Gaspar dan penyerang Indonesia dari Papua New Guinea, Titus Bonai...

Details story.... please read below passage.

KOTA KINABALU, Malaysia:  Anton Ferdinand declined to comment Saturday on John Terry being cleared of racially abusing him, as the QPR defender arrived in Malaysia with his team-mates for a pre-season tour.

Chelsea captain Terry was found not guilty on Friday at a court in London, in a high-profile trial that overshadowed the English Premier League and the national team for months.
Ferdinand – younger brother of Terry’s former international team-mate Rio Ferdinand – and the Queens Park Rangers squad touched down in Kota Kinabalu, the capital of Sabah state, on Borneo island.

A Sabah traditional dancer greets Queens Park Ranger FC players and team officials led by manager Mark Hughes and CEO Philip Beard at the Terminal II Kota Kinabalu International Airport on Saturday. Starpic by NORMIMIE DIUN

Met by a throng of reporters at the airport, Ferdinand said “no comment” when asked about the not-guilty verdict.

QPR chief executive Philip Beard added: “We have nothing to comment on Anton, except that he is part of the squad that is travelling with us. We shall see how things take shape over the next few days.”
Ferdinand’s parents on Friday also declined to comment as they left court.

The trial related to an incident involving Terry and Ferdinand during a Premier League match on October 23 last year. Terry was stripped of the England captaincy in February over the allegations.
As a consequence, Fabio Capello resigned as England manager, just months before England – defender Terry included – competed in the European Championships.

Terry could yet face disciplinary action from England’s Football Association despite being cleared in court. The FA said it would continue its own disciplinary process, which was suspended so as not to prejudice the trial.

QPR, owned by Malaysian businessman Tony Fernandes, will play a friendly against a local Sabah squad on Tuesday before heading to the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur to meet Super League champions Kelantan in a friendly on Friday.

They will then fly to Indonesia and play against local team Persebaya Surabaya on July 23.
Asked about speculation linking the London club to Liverpool’s Craig Bellamy, Beard said: “The manager has already made some signings to beef up the squad and any more signings will be up to the manager, Mark Hughes.” – AFP

8 Ways to Make Summer School Feel Like a Vacation

Summer school is a great way to get ahead in your studies and save money, but that doesn’t make it any easier to know your friends are vacationing and enjoying their time off from school. Even though going to class and taking tests can be a drag, you shouldn’t let it stand between you and your summer. Believe it or not, it is possible to have a good time in summer school and make it feel more like a vacation than a job. Here are eight ways to make your summer school experience exponentially more fun.

Study by the pool

Just because you’re in summer school doesn’t mean you can’t soak up the sun with your friends. Take a break from the chilly library and do your studying out by the pool. You can work on your tan and get school work done at the same time, but we advise keeping the computer far away from the water.

Take mini vacations

Summer school can take up a lot of your time, especially if you’re taking multiple classes each session. If your weekends are free, use this time to take mini vacations to visit friends and family. You can also check out the nearest beaches, lakes, rivers, or camping sites for a quick weekend getaway.

Read for pleasure

Summer and leisurely reading go hand in hand. It’s easy to get burned out by textbooks and assigned class readings, but if you really want to feel like you’re on vacation, you should curl up with a non-school related book. Read outside or create a cozy reading corner to make your quiet time even more relaxing.

Reward yourself

Summer is a time to kick back and indulge, and who said you can’t do this while in school? When you get a good grade, reward yourself with something fun. Get yourself those shoes you’ve always wanted, or go out for drinks with friends. Just do something that makes you happy.
Explore your college town
While you’re enrolled in summer school, go off-campus and explore the surrounding community. Check out local museums, parks, libraries, and memorials. Expanding your boundaries will give you a greater appreciation of your college town.

Go out and have fun

Summer nights in college are some of the best times ever. There are fewer students, lots of parties, and plenty of fun activities going on every day. With so many social opportunities happening around town, you may forget you’re even in school, but don’t!
Take classes in subjects you love

Give your brain a break from the same old boring topics and take classes you love this summer. If you’ve always wanted to learn a new language, take a foreign language course. If you need a wellness/PE credit, take a class in your favorite sport. No matter what class you take, it will count toward your total college credits.

Sleep in

If you time your classes just right, summer school can be great for catching up on some Z’s. You might as well sleep in till noon while you can, before the regular semester grind returns. The extra sleep will help you make it through class without falling asleep and leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated throughout the week.

Isabella Loren


20 Weird Records Set By College Students

By the time you hit college, you know whether you can ever expect to set a world record in track and field, be the youngest Ph.D. in history, or achieve some equally impressive distinction. But take heart: there are all sorts of records out there that require absolutely no special skills to break. These 20 records were broken by college students who proved that all you really need is plenty of time to kill (that’s a big one) and probably a fairly strong pain tolerance.

Farthest grape toss and mouth catch:

Trevor McDonald is the hero of everyone who ever played with their food. In April, the Bowdoin College freshman broke the world record of throwing a grape 37 feet in the air and catching it in the mouth. After a few practice runs, he successfully launched and caught a small red grape from 39 feet.

Longest Barrel of Monkeys chain:
Remember that game where you try to link little red, plastic monkeys together? Twenty-six Dartmouth students changed the name of the game recently when they constructed the world’s longest Barrel of Monkeys chain, with 5,990 linked in all.

Longest tongue:
Chanel Tapper, a 21-year-old college student from California, currently holds the record for longest tongue in the world. Measuring in at 3.8 inches, her tongue is twice as long as average. And yes, fellas, she’s heard all the comments; get your minds out of the gutter.

Longest video game marathon playing a first-person shooter:
College students would set the record for longest consecutive time playing a video game. In 2011, George Vogl, a senior at Montana State University College of Technology played Battlefield: Bad Company 2 for 51 hours and 21 minutes with his three friends, who had also attended the school.

Most champagne corks popped in one minute:

You’d think the number would be higher, but Sarah Greasley of Cambridge University set the record of six champagne bottles popped in one minute in 2011. She attempted to beat several other challenges the same day, also setting the record for most sticky notes attached to the body simultaneously: 454.

Most people blowing a gum bubble simultaneously:
Students at Kirkwood Community College in Iowa got some help from cool faculty members in breaking this record. More than 300 people showed up to a volleyball game on Oct. 27, 2010, to blow a chewing gum bubble at the same time to raise awareness for breast cancer.

Longest game of ultimate Frisbee:
A Montana State University sophomore was part of a 30-member group that broke the world record for the longest game of ultimate Frisbee: a staggering 80 hours, 15 minutes and 13 seconds. Players subbed in and out every six hours, putting each player’s time on the field at roughly 40 hours.

Longest time reading aloud:
To raise awareness for reading in the Dominican Republic, five college students took turns reading aloud at a library, rotating every two hours. After they shattered the previous record of 240 hours, they kept going until they hit 365 hours, one for each day of the year.

Most rugby tackles made in one hour:
If you’re unfamiliar with the sport, rugby is said to be basically American football without pads. So for students from Scots College in Australia to make 4,130 tackles in one hour, it’s pretty impressive. And apparently, all 4,130 tackles were clean, because another 32 were disqualified as illegal hits.

Biggest cardboard box castle:

In February, BYU students bested Harvard students’ record of building a 566-box castle. The 50-member team braved wind and rowdy kids to successfully form 734 boxes into a castle, complete with turrets and cardboard cannons.

Largest functional Rube Goldberg machine:
A Rube Goldberg machine accomplishes a simple task like cooking ramen noodles by taking a ridiculous number of steps. Engineering students from Purdue recently created the world’s biggest working Rube Goldberg machine, which takes 300 steps to blow up a balloon.

Longest marathon theater performance:
The show must go on … and on, and on, and on. In 2006, 13 students at Loyola College in India performed 13 bible stories over the course of 72 hours. One student dropped out before the end, but the rest made it to curtain.

Most water rockets launched simultaneously:
A week after breaking the record for “largest Zumba class” (with 1,439 participants) in November 2011, students at Teylingen College in the Netherlands sent 443 water rockets flying through the air for a few moments, breaking the world record.

Largest snowball:
The University of Florida never had a shot at this one. Last winter, 10 University of Massachusetts Dartmouth students packed the world’s largest snowball, measuring 7’4″ tall, over 23 feet in circumference, and more than 6,100 pounds.

Largest game of Pac-man:

In 2004, NYU students created a real-life version of the iconic Pac-Man video game, which they called “Pac-Manhattan.” Students dressed as Pac-Man and the ghosts chased each other around downtown Manhattan city blocks. The event was a passing of the torch from Dutch students who years earlier had re-created Tetris in giant form on the side of a university building.

Largest scavenger hunt:
With the 25th anniversary of the event, the University of Chicago’s annual scavenger hunt officially became the world’s biggest in 2011. The hunt was organized by students and alums, but the 924 participants included members of the public. So many people came out for the event the organizers had to print more lists, then start turning people away.

Largest game of Twister:
This is one that gets overturned fairly regularly. In September 2011, participants in an event at the Netherlands’ University of Twente put left hand red and right foot green on a Twister board measuring 170 feet by 140 feet. The previous record holders were University College Dublin students, who stole the title from students at University of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Longest handshake:
Talk about awkward. Two brothers at Everest College of Multiple Studies in Nepal currently own the record for longest handshake ever. They started at 1:00 p.m. on Friday and stopped at 7:35 a.m. on Sunday, for a total of 42 hours 35 minutes. We’re guessing they went with forearm bashes to celebrate.

Largest toy pistol fight:
We should have gone to Washington U. In 2010, students there staged a record-breaking Nerf gun battle, packing 461 students into the Commons and having them fire away at each other. They split into two sides and fired back and forth for the required five minutes needed to make the record official.

Longest distance traveled on a Slip and Slide in one hour:

Penn State students couldn’t hold on to their 2010 record for most ground covered on a slippery mat in 60 minutes. The University of Oregon now has the bragging rights, thanks to an October 2010 performance of 82,080 feet, or 15.5 miles.

With Permission from: 
Shanna Houston


My Life My Stories: Tun Fuad Stephen

Tun Fuad Stephan

KDM College In Sabah

Have KDM College visible in 3 years 
By: Tan Sri Herman Luping 

When the building of KDM college in Tambunan is finally completed and lectures in the various disciplines start, the KDM community must truly be grateful to the State and Federal governments for making this happen. For, the KDM community can truly say that they "have arrived" and are "counted" as belonging to a community and part of this great nation of ours.

Now I know and appreciate what "counted" and "belonging" means when a long time ago today, the Kadazandusun foremost leader, the first modern day Huguan Siou of the KDM, Tun Stephens spoke to me on the phone while I was in my office and said "Herman, this is Donald. I want you to join us and be "counted"", . And at the time when he said that he was indeed building the concept of his dream to make his community, the KDM a community to be proud "to belong".

He wanted them to be the "governors" and not just the "governed". Tun Stephens who dared to "dream" this of his community and racial origin alas is no longer with us today. He would have been proud to see that at long last we are "counted" and can truly say "we are proud to belong", and it was because he started it all. And yes, there would be others who say he had "turned his back" on us, at one time, but that period of time is also a long time ago and now covered in the mist of time, and best forgotten.

Today, we think only of the positive side of his contribution to the community he led and we are and should be forever grateful. The culmination of his "dream" is now in the hands of his worthy successor, the second modern day Huguan Siou, Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan. It is in the hands of this worthy Kadazandusun leader that the Prime Minister has eloquently bestowed the honour to bring this "dream" of a KDM seat of higher learning to fruition and realisation.

He cannot fail. He must shoulder the responsibility given to him by a caring State and Federal leaders - Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman and Datuk Seri Panglima Najib Abdul Razak-so that the community of Kadazandusun Murut, the original inhabitants of this State have a place or seat of learning to call their own. We, the KDM must be forever grateful to both these leaders.

Let me say it at the outset then: that the construction of a seat of higher learning for the KDM in Tambunan is not meant as a propaganda gimmick for the Barisan Nasional coalition government. It is a genuine attempt to give the KDM a strong place in the nation, and as part of the multi-racial and multi-religious mix of what Malaysia, One Malaysia, is all about. That the venue is in the District of Tambunan, the original place of the Kitingan family is coincidental, but very apt, in my opinion. Tambunan is the heartland of the suku Liwan dialect, a bigger suku amongst the seven major suku of Kadazandusun Murut who speak the same language, separated only by dialects.

As a suku Tangaah from Penampang district I would have naturally preferred to have the KDM college sited in my birthplace, Penampang the heartland of the Tangaah speaking tribe. but nevertheless I also rejoice that there is a place, a seat of higher learning, for the community to call their own. Never mind where it sits or built upon; for one day soon, perhaps we can also have another seat of higher learning for the same community to be sited in the Penampang or Papar district, closer to the major city and capital of the State of Sabah. What is important is what this institution can promise to give to the community and the people of Sabah and Malaysia. We see this college operating in the same manner as any other institute of higher learning in this country, be it the University of Malaya, the University of Malaysia, Sarawak or University of Malaysia, Sabah (UMS) to mention a few - this latest and new college, named the KDM college, would stand shoulder to shoulder with these other institutions of higher learning in the country provided for us by a caring government.

The first question in every one's mind then is how big or grand this new college be. Would it be like any of the other newly built colleges, like say the University of Malaysia, Sabah (UMS) a colossal masterpiece of modern architectural design, built to look like a colossal holiday resort concept and costing the taxpayers billion of ringgits with awe inspiring auditoriums, including the Vice chancellor auditorium.

or would it be just another school building of the Education Department, with the intention to keep the cost of construction to a minimum? I would imagine that a precedent has been set in regards to the modern day architectural design of a university in the country. There is no reason therefore that the new KDM college would not be built similarly in a spectacular fashion too so that it can truly stand there as a permanent edifice of KDM's pride of place in the country. Then there is the question of the subjects or disciplines that would be taught in the college. Would it be just a college for Arts subjects, or would it be also have a strong bias towards the teaching of science subjects, and even medical subjects. And would the study of law, Adat, custom, Language and culture of the KDM be emphasised as a strong alternative for students to undertake to study?

Can we also dream of a school of archaeology, with emphasis on the study of the ancient Archeology of Sabah? And yet again, can we dare to think that a school of Zoology be also another strong subject to be introduced? These are the future of this college that Tan Sri Joseph Pairin and his committee would encompass in their approach to the setting of the college.

But for the time being, he must also consider the speed as to when the college could get started. He would not want to see the construction of the building to take more than say 5 years. He would like to see it done in the minimum of time - say three years - so that just before the next election, the 14th general election in the country, that the various schools or departments would have been in operation? And the chancellor and vice chancellor hopefully would be from amongst the many KDMs PhD holders. There are indeed quite a few of our own KDMs now wearing the mantle of these qualification and as professors of their own subjects in the other institutes of higher learning. This of course, is for the future, but a future that has to be addressed too.

But meanwhile, let us briefly trace the community's long journey towards reaching the final destination in education or getting an institution of higher learning to be sited at Kaingaran. Tambunan. We can probably start our original journey from the legendary Nunuk Ragang connection, a place situated at the river bank in Tampios, near Ranau. It was in this place that the KDM originated as the children of the first ancestors, Kinoingan and Suminundu, according to their legendary story. But this story of their origin fits in nicely with the scientific study of the KDM's origin: that they came out amongst the fourth migration from southern China, a thousand years ago. Their fellow travelers were the Bataks who settled in Sumatra, the Torajah who settled in northern Celebes, the Dayaks who settled in southern Borneo and Sarawak and the KDM who settled in northern Borneo - Sabah today, and according to the legend at Nunuk Ragang in Tompios.

The route according to this scientific study was through what was known as Cochin China (Vietnam, Laos, etc) and on to Taiwan and the Philippines. There are indigenous tribes in these countries today that bear resemblances with us and even their languages have strong similarities or derivatives.

The study of DNA blood samples also produce strong evidence that the KDM, Bataks, Dayaks and Torajah have strong connection. But when the first ancestors migrated to our parts of the world, they were hunter-gatherers and probably fit in the description of the "noble savage".

But "noble savages" we did not continue to be as time went on. When the first Europeans visited us they were met by the people who had the concept of the afterlife and have a set of governance in their villages with Adat as the universal laws. Then came the foreign missionaries both White men and Arabs. The Arabs concentrated their missionary work to spread Islam on the nobilities - thus the Brunei royal families all embraced the new religion, Islam and so did the nobilities of the Sulu Sultanate. Meanwhile, the White foreign missionaries who came to spread the Gospel concentrated on the people. But according to Fr John Rooney in his study of the history of the Church in Northern and Western Borneo (Gambar Gembira) there was a serious flaw in the thinking of some of the White foreign missionaries. They were so racist that they actually thought that the natives of the country had souls but they were not worthy to become priests. They could not be expected to hold Mass, the central believe of the Church, because they were heathens. There was a case of one Chinese convert who wanted to become a priest and was sent to study for the priesthood. He remained a deacon for a long time in Hongkong.

He returned to Sabah but was never ordained a priest but remained a deacon until he died. It was this stupid notion that a native, or an Asian were not meant to be priests, only the White man! But things began to change rapidly by the turn of the century and newer and more enlightened foreign missionaries arrived with the intention of not only to spread the Good News but also to give education. Schools were opened and this was what I call the "golden era" in the field of learning for the people.

The mission schools became the symbols of what is good in education. Everyone was welcomed. Education was more important. Religion was just a subject and no one was forced to become a Christian. The Muslims in the schools were given special places and no one was asked to convert. To the KDM, however, this was the start of their long journey towards getting their education, that is to say, to be able to read and write and know how to count and most importantly, the knowledge to speak English the universal language then and now. The KDM of today have the mission schools to be grateful for and to thank for helping them in their early start in their journey to get education.

The KDM college whose ground breaking ceremony performed by the Prime Minister in the presence of Musa, Pairin and thousands (some say, 20,000) of people, mostly KDM from all over Sabah were also the proud witnesses of the event. The prayer then is for the successful implantation of this important gift to us, the community - and most importantly, that it is not just a pipe dream.

There were some questions raised I believe whether this KDM college is a private college, operated perhaps by KDM leaders who run the KDCA; and yet there are those who expressed the hope that the new college would be a government aided institution.

Reckless Lorry Driver

Be careful while you driving or riding when visiting places in Sabah. Take care....

An Irishman on holiday in Sabah was killed in a road accident at Km 6.3, Jalan Kiulu-Pukak, here, Monday. Desmond Francis Walsh, 48, who was astride a rented motorcycle and travelling with two of his friends, collided head-on with a lorry in the 11.25am mishap.

Confirming the incident, DSP Zaharudin bin Rasip said Walsh died on the spot. "There is a slightly steep corner at the scene of the fatal incident but the weather was fine at the time," he said, adding the lorry was believed to be heading from Pukak to Kiulu.

Initial investigation, he said, showed Walsh and his friends had rented motorcycles to visit the district.

"Walsh's body has been sent to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) to undergo post mortem and the lorry driver, who is a local, has been detained for investigation under Section 41(1) of the Road Transport Act 1987 for reckless driving," Zaharudin said.

Daily Express 10 July 2012

AN IRISH TOURIST has died following a road crash in Malaysia.

The 48-year-old, named locally as Desmond Francis Walsh, was killed instantly when the motorcycle he was driving collided with a lorry on Monday morning. According to the Malaysian national news agency, the incident occurred at KM 6.3 Jalan Kiulu-Pukak in Sabah. Turan district police chief DSP Zaharuddin Rasid identified the victim and said that his body had been sent to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for a post-mortem.

The lorry driver was detained to assist with investigations. The Daily Express, the national newspaper of east Malaysia, reports that Walsh was travelling on a rented bike. Rasid told reporters that there is a “slightly steep corner at the scene of the fatal incident” but added that weather was “fine at the time”.
The Department of Foreign Affairs confirmed that it is providing consular assistance to the victim’s family.

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