The issues raised during election time now seem more appropriate. The main issues now are more on the economy - such as the country's economic growth and the government in power's performance. The election today is more or less the same as in other countries practicing parliamentary democracy, and in particular those in the Western countries.
In these latter countries, there are always two main parties vying for power. Such is the case, for instance, in the United Kingdom where the two dominant parties vying for power at every election are the Conservative Party (Right) and the Labour Party (Left). And in the United States, the two parties are the Democratic Party (Left) and the Republican Party (Right). President Obama, the Democrat President of the United States is now facing Romney, a Republican nominee and candidate to face Obama at this year's election scheduled in November.
The issues mentioned and being debated is Obama's performance in the past three years since taking over from the Republican president, George W. Bush. Obama is seen as leading his rival at the Gallup polls. Its always a good sign for the incumbent if the polls show him in the lead. Malaysia as a nation is inching closer and closer toward a developed nation status.
The indications, based mainly on our economic performance, rapid infrastructural developments, industrial developments, etc, are all showing the signs that Malaysia is indeed already a developed nation and can rival many of the Western countries in the European Union - such as Greece, Spain and Portugal, and even Ireland. And in the Asean countries, we are now ahead of Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia in terms of economic growth according to the latest reports.
It is no wonder, therefore, that Malaysia's election platforms by the various political parties - amongst the Barisan Nasional fold as well as amongst the Opposition - are focusing on the economic performance by the incumbent Barisan Nasional government. But in this particular issue, the BN coalition government has no worry.
The records of its performance since the year Malaya got its independence in 1957 and later, when Malaysia was formed in 1963, show consistent economic growth in the nation.
How many of us, once living in the rural areas, especially in the kampongs, can truly say that there has been a vast improvement in our way of life - for the better.
I for one, must always give thanks to the excellent work of our leaders - past and present, that our country has indeed prospered and with it, our living standards.
I dreamed, for instance, of the once rustic environment of my kampong - kg Kambau - in the Penampang district. I wished I have the talent of an artist so that I can draw and paint what was then a rustic kampong, now turned into a modern day township with roads, crisscrossing everywhere, piped water and of course electricity! All the conveniences of modern day living are there.
And the credit for all these must surely go to our past leaders. Particularly to the Founding Fathers.
The second Prime Minister, Tun Razak, the father of the present Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib, once held the Ministry of Rural Development and I believe, he did not want any other Ministry to look after. And he had a reason for it. He wanted to see the rural people in Malaya and later in Malaysia, reap the benefits of being an independent nation with high standards of living.
Indeed, when Sabah finally agreed to join in the formation of the Federation of Malaysia, 1961, it was because they witnessed the rapid economic growth in the rural areas of Peninsula Malaya. First, it was Sabah's foremost leader, Tun Stephens, then opposed to the idea of the formation of Malaysia, who soon changed his mind on the matter. And he cited the excellent rapid economic growth of the rural areas under Razak as one of the main reasons why he changed his mind.
Then he was followed by Sabah's bumiputra leaders - Ketua Kampungs, Native Chiefs and other community leaders who were sent over to Malaya to witness the improvements in the rural areas in the various States in the Peninsula.
There are hilarious stories about the escapades of our rural chiefs visiting Kuala Lumpur for the first time, but these stories hide the facts that when they returned to Sabah they told their respective people of the goodness of the rural development in Malaya. It was these people, their opinions on the proposed formation of Malaysia that mattered in the end. And later, when I myself served as a District Officer in one far corner of the State, I noticed that there was a big book, called the "Red Book". The book contained the various areas that needed to be improved or developed in the whole district.
It was a map of the proposed development of the district. Roads - rural, feeder as well as highways were mapped and distinguished, clinics, schools to be erected and built were shown. The map of development in that Red Book did not leave anything, all were mentioned and mapped out.
And all this was because of the love of one man, who later became our second Prime Minister, Tun Razak, - his love for the country, for the people and his dream of their economic growth and high standards of living in the future. We can say that we are the recipients, the beneficiaries of such policies of the past and now.
The present leaders of the Barisan Nasional coalition government are conscious of the Opposition stands and their propaganda to wrest power from the BN government. But so far, we have not seen the Opposition parties "budget" or "action plan" for the nation, for example. All that we have heard or seen in their various pronouncements is that there is a need "for a change in Putrajaya" - that they aspire to take over Putrajaya.
The voters are not simple minded nor gullible I am sure. To sit in the pinnacle of power and to take over Putrajaya is no mean feat. This place is meant for the leaders who are truly tested and who have the interests of the people and nation. The BN leaders, both State and Federal, are all well and truly tested for their experience and dedication to the nation and people.
The records of the present Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib, as a leader and Prime Minister, since taking over the mantle from Tun Ahmad Badawi are all there for us to see. And, as is the records of the present Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman since taking over the leadership of Sabah Umno and Sabah BN nine years ago.
Today, Sabahans should be grateful that the State has the best economic growth in the nation, has the highest amount of savings in the Consoladated State funds and also the best forest management in the region.
That foreign investments in Malaysia as well as in Sabah have increased by the billions of ringgits must surely speak for the great confidence by the BN government performance in the country and State. Are Sabahans so gullible and prepared to throw all these just so that we see a new face in Sri Gaya?
We are no longer that gullible as we once were and we take heart that the BN coalition is still far ahead in the estimation of the populace. The polls show that the Prime Minister is still ahead in popularity - more than 58 per cent. And so is the Sabah Chief Minister. He is seen as the man of "all seasons" and truly represents 1Malaysia as a person and indeed, truly Malaysia.
The polls issues then and now
By: Tan Sri Panglima Herman Luping
Daily Express
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