Myth & Legend Nunuk Ragang

In ancient times there was a ficus tree grows near a lake which located near the Village Tampias Sugut Lubuk district of Sandakan at present time. The tree was big and red in colour. In the language of the Dusun or Kadazan people, fig trees means 'Nunuk Ragang'. 'Nunuk' means the ficus tree and 'ragang' means red. Also been told at that time the place has not been inhabited by humans yet. The areas where the Nunuk Ragang located filled with jungle and inhabited only by the wild beasts. At that time there was a very big rooster, about as big as a buffalo live there. The Roosters are believed to have supernatural power. Follow the story below..
Human birth
One day a rooster was foraging the soil for food. Suddenly appear a handsome young man from the underground that being foraging by the cock. The cock continued foraging and scratching the ground. Not long after that comes out of a very beautiful girl. The two person were taken and preserved by the cock. After some time, their were married. The marriage produce several sons and daughters. Their descendants multiplied and eventually breed, the last inhabited area was initially no people. Over time it became more populated and the place name referred as 'The Nunuk Ragang' which 'believed' the ancestors and the descendants of those Dusun or Kadazan now.
The first man who emerged from the underground cock as appointed by the leaders of the place. He ruled with justice for the assistance of the rooster. Roosters live in red above the ficus tree. Along the red ficus tree rooster becomes the protector of humans who live there. The place is named Nunuk Ragang eventually takes its name from the red ficus tree itu.Nunak Ragang special from day to day growing more and more developed and populated. In the vicinity there are several streams and this rod makes it a fertile agricultural area and lucrative. Since then, residents lived Nunuk Ragang in peace and quiet for a while.
Ragang Tie
According to the story, at a time Nunak Ragang been 'attacked' and harassed by 'Ragang tie (red poop). Tie Ragang can not be described true nature. It looks like running water when viewed from a distance and sometimes the people who see it seems like human nature. Oddly Ragang Tie has brought the plague to anyone who is affected and touched it, but it is often fatal. In addition, Ragang Tie results also destroy crops and kill livestock animals into contact with it.
Therefore, many are the residents suffered pain and death, livestock and crops were destroyed even hit the pandemic. This make those Nunuk Ragang people feel very sad and worried. Finally, many of them leave the area and move to other safer areas. Thus, the split them all over the county and region, as there are at the present time.
The presence of the Underground
At another time, it was the rice planting season for Ragang Nunuk population. One day, while the villagers were busy retailer in upland rice they could hear other people call and come from under-ground. Ragang Nunak people feel wonder mixed with fear, and they complain that in each of their events. Finally they held a meeting and reached a consensus, they dig the soil from which were heard the voice call. When excavated, then terbukalah a large underground hole. Inside it was packed with people who may appear hard-hearted, pure bestial.
Ragang Nunuk people become more afraid even more so when he heard human speech was very strong underground and rough. Then the head of the underground man then said, with a very loud voice range thunderbolt, he said, "Thank you gentlemen ...... as we let go and this place is so good it feels to us as we have long been holed up in the basement. Now we want to live here anyway. You must go from here, if not we will destroy you all! ......... "
Heed the warning of the underground man, the person Nunuk Ragang fled to save themselves by their own. This incident also caused people Nunuk Ragang moved from their original places, and inhabit other districts in the state. Two events are from two different stories stating the reasons people Nunuk Ragang moved from its original place.
Group of people from the land already inhabited the area that has been abandoned by the Nunuk Ragang. Nevertheless, people still believe that underground and captain of the sacred chickens Nunuk Ragang still there. They will take revenge on them any times to, so a direct underground man determined to eliminate both of which are considered to be their enemy. Nunuk people Ragang together the princes, and her magical cock constantly hunted by humans underground.
After some time the underground man still not able to eradicate the princes, and the magic cock Nunuk Ragang. Finally went underground man settled in the area now known as the Tampias, they are in areas Labuk Sugut village in the district of Sandakan. Also told people that the Tampias people to this day are not very friendly with the people Dusun / Kadazan derived from Ragang Nunuk people. Human groundwater according to the human story is familiar but has been cursed by the gods because it is too much ground to make mischief in the land, and they transmitted live where a big hole in the ground. That's where they live and breed divert some time until they are released by the Nunuk Ragang.
Moving Tribal Kadazan / Dusun to Scattered Points
The anger and resentment human underground inexhaustible against the princes, and the magic cock Nunuk Ragang. It makes magic rooster flew away to a prince of the mountainous region now known as Ranau. With special power cock, it's leveling the muddy ground with legs and kepakuya, flick-nguiskannya place has been inhabited untak flat. Because the area is muddy and takes its original state, then the place was
named 'Selo' meaning 'mud' in Dusun / Kadazan.
Having leveled land there, then those who follow the prince moved even further open up residence there. They focus on activities with farming and animals and poultry such as chickens,
ducks and pigs.
As for man, under the soil still feels uneasy and concerned lest people come Nunuk Ragang avenged and attack them. Then the man from the basement to investigate and eventually they found out that people Nunuk Ragang in Ranau. Then, they moved over there to destroy the Ragang Nunuk this. Human arrival groundwater have been detected by magical cock, and before they could reach Ranau, magic rooster prince had flown Nunuk Ragang to another place together his followers and the place became known as Tambunan.
In the new site as the previous last magical male epileptic help nobles with flick-nguis and leveling of land to be residential areas Ragang Nunuk people. It is known also eventually by humans from underground and they became increasingly angry with the Nunuk Ragang, especially on the magic cock and they continued to determined untak remove it.
As usual behavior of roosters crowing every morning it will be, so this magical cock. Kokokannya sound was very loud to hear to Ranau and other places that are quite far from the crowed place. According to the story, the sound of a rooster Kokokan which led people from the underground track position and captain chicken Nunuk Ragang. Then the man from the ground moved over to Tambunan. Like before the magic rooster knew in advance of their arrival and continued the prince flew to another named Apin-Apin. There they also open new residence.
Since people from the underground soil only to avenge the so-called chief Nunuk Ragang and her magical cock. While others remained settled in places that have been opened by the magical cock and those that called as Nunuk Ragang people.
Because of the ruler Nunuk Ragang soon inhabit Tambunan then had to move to Apin-Apin, he appointed a deputy named 'Gombunan' as chief Nunuk Ragang people who lived there. Hence the name Tambunan was named after their leader appointed by the chief earlier. After a new place (Tambunan) has not got his name again at that time.
In Apin-Apin, like other places that opened earlier, chief Nunuk Ragang and her magical cock can not stay long because humans from direct underground detection. As usual, the last magical rooster flew the chief about Nunuk Ragang to another place farther in the interior which is then referred to as Keningau. As the rooster usually leveling the area to be a residence. In place for the time being there are a lot of trees 'cinnamon', then the last place named 'Keningau' in Dusun / Kadazan which means 'cinnamon'.
Chieftain & Magic Rooster Death.
Not long in the magic rooster Keningau was sick and went to her parents dead because it was then implanted somewhere in there. Interval, not long after, chief Nunuk Ragang also breathed well as aging. With the death of the two beings who are always hunted by humans from the land, then they would stop hunting and hostile people Nunuk Ragang.
Death magic cock and chief Ragang Nunuk people that cause men to feel something precious has been lost from them. This is a great blow to them. Truly magical cock so much honor to the tribe Momogun in opening some areas their abode. If observed, (even to this day) most places inhabited by people Momogun (Dusun / Kadazan) is in the hills and mountains that seem to have leveled. Particularly those Momogun Rungus will believe this story.
Nunuk Ragang tree left by the people near the lake Momogun is said to have been cut down and destroyed by humans from underground now believed to be descended from the Tampias People in Sabah.
Translated By: Harry George