I'm in deep sympathies for my brother in-law who involved in a road accident last Wednesday evening near Mile 2 Sandakan Sabah. You can read from the Daily Express dated, 22 Nov 2012 with the title of " Two motorist badly injured in Sandakan Crash". We got the news from his wife who was in discomfiture situation while talking to my mother In-law through phone. I can hear the conversation clearly because my mother in-law turn on her hand-phone loudspeaker. It was a shocked news to our family member and I can see that my in-law were really reel about the situation. I looked at my wife and she looks so depressed. I have to calm her down.
My brother in-law worked at Sandakan Hospital as a Physiotherapy Officer. He has been working there since 2007 as I remembered.. His car collided with a Myvi drove by insignificant Chinese guy. The Myvi car driver was headed to other direction and using different line where he drove his car so fast and cannot control his car. The car hit a road divider and hit my brother in-law car from the opposite direction. My brother in-law was a "Patient Driver" or in other word Careful Driver. The causalities from this accident result in my brother in-law broke his two leg from his thigh to his ankle while the Myvi driver was in a trauma situation. The Myvi driver was Chinese guy as I mention before are from Sandakan. My brother in-law car (Viva) was totally damaged. My in-laws and my sister in-law rush to Sandakan early Thursday morning with my brother in-law wife mother. My wife and I cannot join them because we have an important thing to do. I will be visiting him soon.
Thanks to GOD the almighty where my brother in-law survived this mishap. My brother in-law now is waiting for his operation to inosculates his broken bones. He had been operate on Thursday morning to stop his bleeding and been waiting for the scanning result which been sent to QEH Hospital Kota Kinabalu. My mother in-law was planning to send her son to SMC- Sabah Medical Center but my brother in-law refuse it.
Now all we have to do is pray and hopefully he will recover soon. My in-laws already bought the iron for my brother in-laws legs with the cost of RM7600.00 and hopefully my mother in-law can redeem it back using my bother in-laws life insurance. My brother in-law will going through an operation this coming Friday (29 Nov) and we hope this operation will success with the GOD hand. " Nothing Is Impossible For God "
Written By: Harry George
Picture: Google Image
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