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Tamparuli Sabah - A place to visit

Tamparuli Sabah was known as an old town rich with cultural value and fascinating places. The town located in the middle of Tuaran District, 36KM from the main city of Kota Kinabalu, easy to be found and a lot of surprises waiting for the visitors. The visitor will be fascinated with The Extreme Para Gliding Sport, The legendary of “Bukit Perahu”, Hatob-hatob Waterfall, Hanging Bridge and The Old Suspension Bridge Made by the British in the early 50s, The one and only "The Upside House Of Borneo" and Chantek Borneo Gallery if you visit Tamparuli Sabah. ( Please read more inside this website). For local tourist who likes to travel outside Malaysia, you can e-mail to D7tours and Travel Co through For International tourist who wish to visit Sabah The Land Below The Wind, you can e-mail or call to our correspondent travel agency:

D7-TRAVEL AND TOURS-Registered Travel and Tours Co
H/p: 016-8121702


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Harry George

My life my stories: Sacrifice



Mengalah demi kebahagiannya....
Memberi laluan demi kemenangannya....
Menderita demi kebahagiannya...
Menangis demi kegembiraanya....
Inikah yang dinamakan Pengorbanan?
Atau satu kebodohan?
Apapun...gara-gara berkorban
pasti diri sendiri menjadi korban.

Biarlah......asalkan dia bahagia....
dan puas hati.....
demikianlah erti pengorbanan
bagi seorang yang rela berkorban.

English Translation...........................

Sacrifice ...

Succumbed for happiness ....
Gave way for  his holiness win ....
Suffer for the sake of happiness ...
And crying for hilarity ....
Is this called scarified?
Or a deception?
Whatever ... the pandemonium of scarification
certainly deprived to self victim.

Let it be ...... as long as he is happy ....
and satisfy .....
Thus the meaning of scarification

for being a sacrificial person.

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Translate By: HG


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