My Life My Stories : Kg Kioyep Ranau With Pangrok Sulap and Light UP Borneo 2019.
Hello and Good Days...Hope you all in a good mood and always #stayathome, #staysafe and #stayhealthy. How life? well it is quite boring if you doesn't have anything to do. Now the current situation is getting better and better and hopefully this Pandemic Covid 19 will end soon. Take extra precaution and follow the government advise and surely the chain of this pandemic will stop...
"Sharing is caring" they said and today I have something to share with you all about a story from my school area and hope you guys will enjoy reading it and at the same time acquired some valuable knowledge from it. As you can see the title of this post is " Carving Tinagas Tales @ Kg Kioyep Ranau and in further details I will share some knowledge and information about "
Pangrok Sulap" and "
Dusun Tinagas Race". You will wonder in mind, where is Kg Kioyep? aren't you?. Well Kg Kioyep Ranau is about 50KM from Ranau Town. The village can be reach by land transport and you can
"Google Map" it for direction. Well the village is in a rural area and from the sources of KPM (Kementrian Pendidikan Malaysia) and Ranau District Office ( Pejabat Daerah Ranau) it was in P2 area. I will discuss it later on my next post.
I have been teaching around this area for about 8 years and I have met a lot of experiences in bad and good situation. For me this village was known for it slippery roads that was really bring big trouble to us during the rainy season. The kids from this village was really good in term of their knowledge and were good in their studies (My point of view as their Teacher) although comparable was not the main priority for me but this is a truth fact. It is the first village you will pass over when you want to go to
SK Naradan or " Air Terjun Wasai " which one of the project conduct together with YB Jonathan Yassin and the villager of Kg Kantas ( I will post the articles about the "Wasai Waterfall soon... wait for it.) It is a beautiful village with a heart warming, nice and kind people.
During this
MCO #PKP and now #PKPB, I came across a video from my pupils (#marcharrdivo) status at You Tube " " and my heart was touch from this video to write about Kg Kioyep and Pangrok Sulap. So this is it... I managed to screen shoot some picture from the video. At first I did not know about this so-called Pangrok Sulap but after doing some research and watched the video, finally I got a little info and will continuously searching more about it. The Pangrok Sulap is an organisation of art focusing on Sabahan Traditional Cultures and their main art is Carving in a wooden plate and stamped it on a pieces of cloth by a traditional way... chop flaps and stamped just like the old style of printing news papers. You can search more about their information through their Facebook "" or YouTube by just typing Pangrok Sulap or click this link "" and hopefully this is helpful way to you in seeking more information regarding to this matter.
I asked my pupil, when this happen, he said last year in 2019 and I didn't noticed it although everyday I passed through this village. Wow! "What a wonderful experience for you? " I said to him. He just give an Emoji smile. I asked for the video but he didn't have it. So I search through YouTube, found it and watched it. I have asked permission to use the video as link for my blog but didn't got any respond yet. It is easy for my readers and follower to get the information about it with a legal permission link. When watching the video, one of the villagers tell a story about Kioyep Village, the Pangrok Sulap artist listen and later it was carved on a wooden plate, stamped on cloth and there goes you got a combined story about the village with a magnificent art of work from Pangrok Sulap artist. At the same time, Pangrok Sulap Artis join together with
"Light UP Borneos" doing social work for the villager. That was a wonderful experience for them. Hopefully someday this NGOs will do a joint ventures with a our school in making arts and social work.
In the meantime.. I asked my pupil activity during this #PKP or MCO, besides waiting for online teaching from the teacher, they went to their farm to grew vegetable, fishing and rubber tapping. I was a little bit touch about their life now.. but life goes on they said. It quite hard to go Ranau during this time but the nearest shopping stall at Kg Timbua can be reachable anytime if you got money. The so-called #BPN at least can ease their burden in continuing life during this Pandemic Covid 19 situation. I didn't got any news about people around there infected by Covid 19 and " Palis palis - touch the wood " it will never happen. So that all... We will meet again on my next post... Bye...
#stayathome #stayhealthy #Godbless.
# Dusun Tinagas

Dusun Tinagas merupakan salah satu etnik yang dikelompokkan ke dalam Kadazan Dusun di Sabah. Masyarakat Dusun Tinagas tertumpu di Daerah Ranau iaitu di Kg. Kaingaran, Magkapoh, Tanid, Malinsau, Nasakot, Mokodou, Kopuwakan, Tumbalang, Lobou, Kioyep, Nawanon, Kantas, Tibabar, Timbua, Tinutuan, dan Pirancangan. Sementara di daerah Kota Marudu pula, mereka dapat di temui di Kg. Parong, Popok, Mangkupa, Sumbilingon, Timbang Batu, Talas, Sunsui, Pelipikan, Natu, Marak-Parak dan Tagibang. Suku kaum Dusun Tinagas juga terdapat di daerah Beaufort dengan jumlah yang sedikit, iaitu tertumpu di suatu perkampungan yang dinamakan sebagai Kg. Inantul, namun jumlah orang Dusun Tinagas di kampung ini sudah berkurang disebabkan telah berhijrah ke kampung-kampung lain di kawasan daerah Beaufort. Kebanyakan mereka yang berada di daerah Beaufort berasal dari daerah Ranau dan Kota Marudu. Untuk setakat ini belum ada kajian yang terperinci mengenai sejarah suku kaum ini. Hanya yang dapat diketahui bahawa suku kaum ini juga berasal dari Nunuk Ragang seperti suku kaum Dusun yang lain, dan diceritakan bahawa dahulu kala suku kaum ini juga giat menjalankan kegiatan "headhunter" iaitu memburu kepala puak-puak yang dianggap sebagai musuh oleh mereka. Dari segi bahasa pula, bahasa suku kaum ini hampir mendekati bahasa Dusun Piawai (Bundu-Liwan). Namun terdapat sedikit perbezaan seperti berikut:
* Kotogod (Dusun Piawai)
* Rumasang (Dusun Tinagas)
* Angry ( English Language )
* Tumuru-turu (Dusun Piawai)
* Tumiri-tiri (Dusun Tinagas)
* Pouring (English Language)
* Aiso / Inggah (Dusun Piawai)
* Aso (Dusun Tinagas)
* Nothing (English Language)
* Obirau (Dusun Piawai)
* Obirai (Dusun Tinagas)
*Squint (English Language)
5. KAU
* Ika / Iya (Dusun Piawai)
* Ikau (Dusun Tinagas)
* You ( English Language )
Diharapkan agar ada dari kalangan masyarakat Dusun Tinagas yang dapat menuliskan mahupun melisankan mengenai sejarah suku kaum mereka.
The Pangrok Artist doing their social work at KG Kioyep
Their arts about the story of KG Kioyep, Ranau.
The Villagers of Kg Kioyep Ranau.
The Finale art of work from Pangrok Sulap and the villagers.
Kg Kioyep view from a hill nearby
Posted By: Harry George (HNG)
Sources: Pangrok Sulap Facebook
Light Up Borneos Facebook
March Ardivvo Alister ( Year 6 - 2020 )
Sabahan Pangrok Sulap - Wodden Crafting
Click the Facebook Link below.
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